Foundations with Hyunjoon Kim

2025 for me began with a trip of a lifetime to enhance my skills as a performer.

Thanks to the support of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Exchequer Fund I was awarded a grant to study with mentor manipulator, Hyunjoon Kim in South Korea.

Before this project got the green light from the funders I had to fill in a very detailed application form to prove that I was deserving of these funds. It took quite some time. And in order to have a better chance of succeeding, I consulted a wonderful friend of mine, Marianne Crosslé. She helped me to focus my writing, clarify my points and gave me the confidence to know that I deserved what I was asking for.

To Marianne I am so very grateful for your input in helping me shape my proposal to succeed – thank you!


I thought as I am summing up this process that some of you might be interested in seeing the answers I constructed for my final submittal. So, I have sprinkled these appropriately below. They took me an awfully long time to construct but in the end the time was well spent.

The Proposal I submitted

My project proposal was to study for an extended period of time under the mentorship of professional magician and manipulation artist, Hyunjoon Kim in South Korea. 

I am seeking ACNI SIAP funding to engage Hyunjoon in one-to-one specialised magic lessons and creative collaboration.

To achieve the best setting and outcomes in terms of learning objectives for us both (teacher and student) as manipulation requires extreme discipline and highly skilled techniques I would need to facilitate;

1. Return flights from Belfast to Korea.

2. Paying to engage Hyunjoon to perform Twelve training sessions of 2 hours and 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times per week with me – schedule provided. 

3. I will rehearse on the days we are not in training together at his rehearsal space.

4. Paying for the use of Hyunjoon’s rehearsal space.

5. Accomodation for the full period of time, close to the rehearsal space.

6. A personal salary for my own time working on this project. (I.e. daily stipend for food)

7. Physical materials and props required for the lessons.

We have discussed a proposal to rehearse the period between 14th January 2025 to 10th February 2025.* 

*Dates may vary depending on Hyunjoon’s availability and securing funding.

Artistically, in order to grow and be seen outside of Northern Ireland, as a magic artist I must compete and win at international level.  

Competing for the first time in the FISM European championships in magic this year, I noticed a huge difference in levels between myself, who is self taught and self funded and those who went on to win. The difference in artistic levels was staggering. The performers who were winning and succeeding professionally had huge help. I saw first hand that in order to advance my artistic goals it would be a necessity to secure funding and surround myself with people who are skilled enough to help me achieve my ambitions. Therefore, engaging a mentor is requisite. 

An important thing to note and think of when applying for funding. Local funders may have an idea of who you are but when you wish to engage an artist from abroad that they do not know, it’s a good idea to display to your funding body why this is the right person for you to have as a mentor.

So the next part of the process for me was to explain who I wanted to be my mentor and why?

Hyunjoon who?

Hyunjoon is a multi award winning performer and artist. Most notably, a two time FISM World Champion in Magic. First winner of “The One” competition – the biggest magic competitive event ever held in the U.K. in 2023, with the biggest cash prizes (£30,000) given to any performer in this community.

He is also one of the longest employed performers in the largest worldwide touring productions “The Illusionists.”

After winning “The One” competition in 2023, Hyunjoon announced on his social media platform that he would like to give back to this community in the form of mentoring individuals who have the desire to create, build an act and develop skills that would help them to reach the same level that he has. Therefore, I reached out and expressed my interest to study under his guidance.

Hyunjoon accepted my request. And after submitting my application, I received the news three months later that I got the funding for the project to go ahead. As it was now November 2024, this gave me just 30 days to plan and execute all the travel plans to make this new adventure happen.

Why challenge myself now?

Those who know me are probably wondering why I continue to challenge myself? I really have achieved so much already.

But in my mind. Everything I have achieved up until to this point is leading up to one of my ultimate life goals. Creating an act to tour the world with.

And ultimately this goal drove me to apply for this funding.


Here are just some of my whys I explored in my application below…

1. I am only beginning to develop myself as a solo artist from Northern Ireland outside of Northern Ireland.

2. Being self taught is challenging at times.

3. A major goal of mine is to be a sought after artist, booked to perform globally.

4. Developing magic with the knowledge of what will work on these stages is difficult.

5. I believe that to reach the standard required would take a lot longer alone than with professional help.

And why a mentorship?

Being mentored by an expert is logical for my personal development right now because;

1. Hyunjoon has first hand experience of developing his own career and composing magic acts for stage and television worldwide. 

2. Hyunjoon is equipped with the knowledge and discipline to collaborate and enhance my own artistic career and development. 

3. Hyunjoon has been performing for over 10 years on arena sized stages as a solo artist with “The Illusionists.” 

4. Hyunjoon can advise how to compose a magic act suitable to complement these huge stages. Allowing me to meet the criteria to be considered and hired bookers worldwide. 

5. This collaboration will hopefully help me to feel confident working at this level. 

Bonus goals;

1. Immersed in new way of teaching.

2. Stepping out of my comfort zone.

3. New skills, knowledge and originality.


So, it is now time in this blog to recap on my journey. The biggest adventure in my career to date.

For those who followed my journey on facebook, this is it again but way more details and photos!

This is a long one, so get the kettle on. Here we go!

Adventure begins Wednesday – 15th January 2025

The long awaited adventure has begun.

Feeling nervous, scared, excited – all of the above, I flew from Belfast to Amsterdam to Korea. A full 24 hours travelling. And just to add a little bit of extra madness, the aeroplane captain had to tell us not to pay attention to the map on our screens.

“I repeat, we are not on our way to Amsterdam, and we are definitely not going to Bangkok!”

My first full 24 hours in Korea was pretty darn awesome!

I was picked up by Hyunjoon and taken for my first meal. Korean BBQ which was very tasty and messy (for me). Sitting opposite a world champion manipulator trying to use chopsticks for the first time was pretty hilarious. A memory that will stay with me for the rest of my life. (Another goal whilst I’m out here is to learn how to use these sticks of food terror).

After dinner I travelled to my accommodation where I met my host, Jihyun whom practically as soon as I arrive asked me to perform a little magic for her (HOW DID SHE FIND OUT I WAS A MAGICIAN SO FAST). She is adorable and my accomodation is a walk away from the studio where we rehearse. The relief was real as immediately I felt at home. And safe. It was not time to sleep and prepare for my first lesson!

Hello jet lag my old friend

I was up ridiculously early this morning thanks to jet lag! But I took the opportunity to go for a walk and explore the local food market. The selection of food products here is staggering. I reckon there were 20 different types of mushroom on one shelf. As I walked by it I was given (practically pushed into my mouth) a sample of a fried mushroom by a staff member and MY GOD, who knew half a mushroom could taste so good! At first I was terrified when she approached but in the end I was incredibly grateful

for the intrusion!

Foundations day 1 – 16th January LESSON 1

Feeling apprehensive all morning but also very excited, I entered my first lesson with Hyunjoon. And I can report it was so good. I got to hang out and learn skills from scratch. Learning to wax cards, how to fan them, palm them, moving my fingers in ways I’ve never had to do before.

Weirdly my fingers aren’t as sore as I thought they’d be. And I’m continuing to practice all the things I learnt this evening so I can keep on going and I can improve for him to teach me more.


Looking back now I realise now how culturally different things were in Korea. not being able to converse with people. The food, not knowing my surroundings. Everything was new to me, including the magic I was learning. And also working with a brand new person and style is not an easy task.

However, Hyunjoon really made me feel at home here from the get go. Little did I know how much I would learn and absorb being with him in person. Standing beside him in the rehearsal studio I felt how powerful he is as a performer. He knows a lot and I’m grateful for this time I now have with him to learn, absorb and grow.

Foundations day 2 – 17th January 2025

Today I realised that the project title for my funding application was very accurate!

Being, that I’m here to lay the groundwork for what is to come. These foundations are challenging but I’m still determined to keep smiling and enjoying this learning process and opportunity I’ve been given.


Today we were up on our feet.

We started by combining a lot of the moves I learnt in yesterday. Including fans, back fans, palms and continuous fans into a routine that my teacher guarantees me is a ”simple” routine. I am also trying to navigate him telling me my fans need to be as big as possible – which believe me, is easier said than done. But I will keep trying to improve.

Even though I’m working with a master – I can confirm Hyunjoon is a real human being as he did drop a card or two when showing me how to do it repeatedly. Maybe I’m rubbing off on him.

In class we traversed the world of colour changing fans and paid attention to positioning. I realise watching Hyunjoon just how controlled he is. Each movement is so subtle and effortless. And he manages to lock into some very strong positions. The control he shows is both beautiful and magical to observe.

It really helps being with Hyunjoon in person. Watching him and the way he moves is making me more aware of my own body in the space and how I move. And I’m discovering it is an effort to learn to control it. But also an essential part of becoming a well rounded stage performer. And working in this style of performance.


Jet lag is hitting hard. After todays lesson I was exhausted. I felt overwhelmed by all I learnt and decided to lie down for an hour which turned to two. I’m now awake and the plan of attack is to eat and practice hard for the next few hours. The goal is as always – to be better than my last day so that my teacher can progress with me on this journey. And I can continue to absorb and learn.

Class excursion

On a side note before class today I went for Korean Chicken Noodle soup with Hyunjoon and his wife Karan. I attempted to eat it with chopsticks – like a full leg of chicken swimming in udon noodles and survived – take that sticks of terror!

Tomorrow is another day. And maybe just maybe my back fans will be much cleaner, my fans will open and close smoothly and some of the poise I witnessed from Hyunjoon today will have transferred to me.

PRACTICE MINI UPDATE: After spending five hours last night and one hour this morning I can finally close a fan without spider fingers!!! It’s controlled and smooth but now my hand feels like it is broken. But there is nothing more exciting than the feeling of progress.


Looking back I was so happy that I got to meet Hyunjoon’s wife Karam on this journey. I know that this project was about learning and working hard. But travelling so far away from home by myself, it was nice to know that I had people here looking out for me and making me feel not so alone.

Part of the reason why I also decided to stay in an Air B and B rather than a hotel was to be surrounded with people. If i were in a hotel for the full time I think it would be extremely lonely. With Air B and B i got to stay with a host who also became my family here too. Helping me to navigate this city and enjoy my down time here.

If there is any advice for others wanting to traverse a similar journey, don’t do it alone. Surround yourself by people. Each interaction makes each day that little bit easier.

Foundations Day 3 : 18th January 2025

What we see on stage is the sum of so much hard work. Literally blood, sweat and tears.

After practicing all night I ended up giving myself some blisters on the tips and front of my fingertips (think guitar blisters but made by playing cards constantly rubbing against your fingertips – yes that!).

Blister on my forefinger evidence it happened. Ouch!

Even though it was incredibly sore that did not stop me practicing. I’m here to learn and work hard. So I pushed through practicing most of the morning with the routine Hyunjoon taught me and some individual moves I’ve been struggling with. There’s progress but it’s slow.

I discovered today for real that manipulation is hard work. Not that I didn’t think it would be. Everyone told me it would be before I went on this journey. But I wasn’t aware I’d get blisters and gain muscles where I never had them before. Ultimately manipulation really is a discipline. And perhaps why not many continue down this path once they begin. It’s difficult. Takes time and effort.


I was apprehensive today because I literally practiced all the hours I could since our last lesson and yet some of the moves were still not perfect. But they are all moving in the right direction.

Card manipulation is about being able to move and use all of the fingers and mine, I have discovered well, are a bit lazy.

In today’s lesson, we worked more on honing the finer details. Trusting to hold the cards at the very edge by the tip of my thumb to make my fans as big as possible – the difference in the size of my fans now to yesterday is insane!

Positioning is also key. Making sure the cards when presented are flat outward toward the audience. And knowing this by feel before seeing it well that’s difficult. But practice makes perfect. It may feel alien in my hands right now but the difference to look at the card fans when they are held up straight towards the audience is remarkable. So it is worth getting the moves and precision down. It’s part of what makes this type of magic work visually.


I feel Hyunjoon’s card routine and exercises is exactly what I need right now as for me, up until 2 years ago I was unaware of where my body was in relation to the space around it. So much so I couldn’t do simple things like raising and lowering a prop in a straight line. I know that sounds simple reading this but in magic, not being able to control a prop precisely means for example when you “ditch” or get rid of something it might miss the area that you have planned to ditch it in. Meaning the audience will see the prop discarded and the trick is over. The magic is ruined.

So body awareness is so important as a magician and stage performer. Knowing where every part of your body is and to be able to command it and props held in it on stage is vital.

Also to know how to move and fill the stage with your presence. And for the magic presentation to look beautiful. Being with Hyunjoon and seeing him super aware of all of these things is quite cool. He also knows what to look for and assist me in noticing these subtleties which is awesome!


Hyunjoon and I laughed a lot today which I needed. And we managed to make it to the end of the routine to music even though my continuous fans are let’s just say a work in progress!

Also in today’s lesson, we started a completely new technique. Back palming cards! I managed (with difficulty) to back palm and produce five cards – very slowly.

Homework tonight -keep practicing.

Foundations Day 4 : 19th January 2025

Tiredness really takes hold.

Four days of constant practice and bombardment of new ideas, concepts and of course the ”finger flicking” that learning manipulation requires one to do has left me over stimulated and in agony – yay!


In today’s rehearsals we continued the lesson on back palms and I have a new routine given to me to learn as homework whilst Hyunjoon is off to Saudi Arabia to perform with The Illusionists next week.

I’ve also learnt that you can’t just toss a fanning card in the air, you must flick it with your finger in order for it to spin freely in the air – clever! As fanning cards are much lighter in weight than normal cards.

The blisters are still there but I’m pushing through.

The only way to improve is to keep on going.

Today was my final lesson this week. Hyunjoon now heads off to join The Illusionists tour in Saudi Arabia and I have some time off to explore Incheon.

Foundations Days 5 through to 15h: 20th to 3rd February 2025

Time to explore and absorb the culture that is Seoul, Korea

I began with a visit to Gyeongbokgung Palace (way cooler than Buckingham – sorry Charles). This place was just breathtaking.

In order to get the money shot (the first photo above) one needs to really try to avoid the tourists of which there were many. I was hoping travelling there early would have stopped that but apparently people do touristing here at the crack of dawn!

It’s getting easier on public transport now. I even found myself helping other tourists along the way.


After my visit to the Royal Palace in the morning I met up with @magician_holly , for an afternoon of magical fun.

We explored Hongdae shopping streets and the sights around this area including visiting 943 Kings Cross. A Harry Potter themed cafe where we had wizard hot chocolate topped with marshmallow wizard hats. And I was almost gobbled up by a dragon too – for real!

Holly introduced me to so many foods including a Bulgogi Meat mountain. Which is a magic trick in itself as it’s not filled with meat as it looks at first. It is filled with with noodles, vegetables, mushrooms and a thing called Tteok which are absolutely delicious whatever they are.

Next we visited Seoul magic shop Tek Magic where I met some magicians and hung out for a while sharing magic.

After this we went to a really fun night life distract where there were loads of street food and performers.

We ate some ”Bungeo ppang” traditional Korean winter sweet breads. Which tasted of a mixture of custard, puff pastry and cheese – weird but also delicious – I devoured it. As we ate our Bungeo ppang we walked to watch a K-Pop dancer and a magic friend of Holly’s busking. Literally K pop dancing on the street which was so fierce and cool! To finish our day we went for traditional noodle seafood soup. And I must admit seeing an entire octopus bobbing about in my bowl was… interesting.

But I followed Holly’s lead and prepared it and ate it right up (apart from the head as I couldn’t bring myself to do that). I’m quite proud as a few years back I would not have been able to try these foods. I was brave and it was delicious!

Completely stuffed and feeling warm inside I went back to my hotel for a hot bath and sunk into bed very happy. And slept like a baby!

Foundations day 6 /7 : Bukchon Hanok Village and a Lotte Adventure Park day

All I’ll say is the history here is beautiful. The sights are breathtaking. The rides at theme parks here are absolutely terrifyingly BRILLIANT see this video for evidence! (But also not for the faint hearted so if you are dubious about something just DON’T put yourself through it). Korean food is like none other I’ve ever had before. Everything tastes good. Even food that I would normally consider ti be a strange food texture for me I’ve devoured.

Foundations day 8 : Back to the grind

Beginning to really work on my homework routine today. Progress is slow. Backpalming multiple cards whilst keeping the palm of my hand completely straight is easier said than done.

Even though I’m left handed I’m finding some things easier to do with my right hand and it’s a struggle with my left one.

Regardless, I’m learning to do everything I can with both hands for flexibility and versatility. I think it will help me with future manipulation work being able to effortlessly use both my hands to manipulate objects freely.

I’m loving some of the moves and am fascinated by their deceptiveness how from stage the cards simply cannot be seen yet I can see them. How clever these people were when they came up with these moves all those years ago!

I’m also discovering that manipulation uses muscles all over the body. It’s not just my hands that are aching but it’s also a work out for my shoulders. Perhaps even a complete upper body workout.

And I’m doing this all whilst telling my brain to remember to relax my body at the same time. it’s a mental and physical exertion performing manipulation.

I’ve got into a daily routine of practicing in 45 minute sets. That means manipulating for 45 minutes then a break. Then another 45 minutes and so forth. It works for me. I’m just at the beginning of this journey and I feel there is such a very long road to go.

Foundations day 9 : The Journey continues

My hands are finally accepting their fate I.e. she’s continuing to do this until we like it!

Again I must reiterate how cool the pivot move is to perform – what a creation! I don’t think I’m hiding anything yet but the card is moving back and forth to and from where it’s supposed to be so I’m pleased at least it’s moving.

It’s amazing being given this time as an artist to just play and learn and grow with no immediate deadlines, just time to absorb and develop.

Also each day I do try to have a break, get out walking into the city and see something new.

Today’s adventure was Incheon Canal Walk and Chinatown. I left it a little later today so that I could find some nice food to eat for dinner. I must say, Korean’s know how to make food look beautiful here, just look at the ice cream below.

I’m beginning to get the hang of the subway system now. Though I bet now I’ve said that I get lost again. But I’m not as fearful anymore as I realise that all I need to do is get off, cross over the track and wait for the next train going in the opposite direction to get onto the right path again.

Homeward now for a cup of tea and you guessed it – some more practice!

Foundations day 10 : Tricky Business

As I await my mentor returning home from his tour in Saudi Arabia with The Illusionists, to begin my lessons again, I’ve been given homework which is quite possibly the trickiest routine in terms of brainpower and skill I’ve ever been asked to get my head around.

To the point last night I was convinced that I would simply never be able to do one of the moves described to me by Hyunjoon as the pivot. “How on earth is one to hide this? The move is huge, I’ll never be able to do this!” That’s what I was thinking in my head this morning.

Determined as you all know I am, I began a study of the move inch by inch, centimetre by centimetre in the mirror to find out the intricacies of what makes this move actually work. What it takes to hide a card as it’s passed in front and behind ones hand. I broke it down section by section and some time later I cracked it. Turns out it can work and now I can do it as it’s supposed to!


I discovered today this move was invented in 1897 by Dr. james Elliot published in the book ”New Era Cards Tricks.” Such a long time ago this was created and yet magicians are still using this move and creating magic acts with it.

I feel what I did today was exactly what Dr Elliot did when he invented it for the very first time. The process to find the right angles to hide a card in one’s hand is not an easy task. But the only way to do it is to break it down and work step by step. Only then when you are able to move it back and forth without it being seen it becomes a thing of beauty. And I’ve discovered today it’s mind blowingly good!


This is why I love magic. This is why I love learning. It isn’t easy but if it was easy everyone would be doing this hard stuff and quite simply – everyone is not doing this stuff.

I showed the pivot move to my family when I face timed them this evening and they couldn’t believe when I produced a card right in front of their eyes after hiding it for several seconds beforehand.

I still have a lot of work to do, but to go from a place of defeat to triumph in my mind is a pretty good day!

Foundations day 11 : Some fun

To celebrate my triumph, I went out with my flat mate Jihyun for a girlie day on National Korean Day eating and sampling loads of tasty Korean food and cute stores. There really is way too much cute cat stuff here. And I am saying it again – all the food here is absolutely delicious! Below we have some Bibimbap, tofu soup, miso soup, tonkatsu beef which I cooked myself on a little tea light stove with chopsticks – look at me go!

Sometimes I look at what I’m doing now and think I simply would not be brave enough to do this – but I am doing it and it’s so much fun living life to its fullest and trying to be the best I can be at what I love.

Foundations day 12 : Official day off for real

Today I gave myself a complete break from practice. I think it’s important to sometimes just have a break when learning a new skill. So I took today, stayed at home and caught up with my family and rested.

I suppose because I had a day like this then this happened.

Foundations day 13 : Reflection and some bad thoughts…

Life is filled with highs and lows.

Today is the day I must remind myself I have had only four lessons in manipulation and several days practicing alone. I am doing good things and am able to do things now I was not able to just thirteen days ago. But as it is me I feel somehow it should be better.I should be, better.

I am struggling to but managing to keep smiling. And having fun. Remembering,

I am not inferior because this isn’t perfect or as I hoped it would be already. I am growing, learning something new and this is difficult. And this will become easier and look beautiful one day very soon!

I may be back to practice in the rehearsal room today, but also as my brain isn’t my friend today I am not pushing myself too hard.

This too shall pass.

Foundations day 14 : Trip to North Korea

Today Hyunjoon’s wonderful wife Karam and I took an adventure together into the wild to visit the Demilitarised Zone between the North Korea and South Korea.

Our day began by eating (I am prepared to say this out loud) THE most tastiest meal I’ll ever have in my life – ever! Korean Fried Chicken with Tteokbokki.

If I’m ever asked what is the very last meal I want to eat in my life – this would be it. I’d die happy! Truly delicious. I practically licked the chicken bones clean!


After this we drove quite a distance to board a bus upon which we drove across the boarder that divides the North and the South here.

Weirdly I was very at home admidst the barbed wire, armed soldiers, barrack checks and peace walls dividing two nations (thanks to living through the troubles in Belfast). They call the DMZ Zone a place for reunification, in the hope peace will one day be founded because of the work that is done here. You could feel its importance and also the sadness of how many lives have been lost and are still sacrificed here today.

I did get one picture of the North.

There is an odd calmness and beauty here.

Also, we did manage to go down to and walk along the Third Tunnel. One of the major Tunnels the North dug to attack the South many years ago. I cannot describe how small this was for our group of 30 and yet apparently 30,000 soldiers marched in it daily.

Today people were banging their safety hats just trying to stand up straight and walk through it. Thankfully both Karam and me were small enough so we didn’t have that problem.

As we drove back to Incheon I looked out across the river that divides two nations. An area completely desolate and surrounded by barbed wire and stationed look out posts. No way in and no way out – very eerie. But cool at the same time I guess. I’m really glad I went.

Foundations day 15 – Strange happenings

It was all going to plan and then I was almost abducted by a cult.

I decided to go back to Hongdae shopping street just to walk around this area as it was cool the last time I was there. This was the last opportunity to get some souvenirs for family as I knew as soon as Hyunjoon came back rehearsals it would be pretty intense until I flew home.

Out of no-where, halfway down the street I was approached by a couple who began speaking English to me and asking for my help. It was snowing and they wanted to get out of the snow. Being nice I thought I’ll take them to a nearby cafe. It felt awkward but everything does a little when you are travelling by yourself. And in a city you don’t know.

Looking back now I understand that they had tricked me into taking them to a cafe where I sat and chatted with them for a while. I told them why I was there and showed them magic. I was just trying to be kind and nice.

Pretty soon things took a turn. The lady began talking about a community that they wanted to show me, traditions, customs that I would appreciate being open minded as I was and then she uttered the words and if you come with us just 40 minutes away to our community temple we can show you some of the traditions Koreans partake in this national holiday.

As soon as the words left her mouth, I with my straightest poker face thanked them for their time and said I must be going to practice . I smiled walked out and practically ran down the street in the snow to get as far away from them as a possibly could.


One of the biggest lessons I learnt was today. When you are travelling alone keep yourself safe and walk away from potentially dangerous situations. Clearly tourists do fall for this otherwise these people would not continue to do it. This was a completely predatory situation. And I can report it happened to me one more time when I was there, only the next time it was an older man, by himself. As a single woman, walking in a street no one has the right to approach you. And if they do, and you feel uncomfortable get yourself out of there. You have the right to be rude and ignore them or walk away. Keep yourself safe. That’s all that matters.


I tried my best not to let my sinister encounter with religious zealots cloud my day however I was pretty shook up by it.

After fleeing to safety I visited The Starfield Mall, and The Gangnam Style Statue. The areas display of appreciation for the K-Pop artist PSY’s famous song going viral around the globe.

Sadly, there was no Gangnam dancing from me. It had begun to snow, was freezing cold and I wasn’t in as joyful a mood as when I began today. But it was still really cool to be there and see it! Perhaps even better as it wasn’t filled with tourists taking pictures because of the weather.

I pressed on walking the streets of Gangnam. The hustle and bustle in these little areas is impressive. It’s all about commerce in Korea. The trading of goods for cash. It’s the heart and soul of these areas. Brimming with businesses, tourists and street venders galore. So many smells, sights and sounds. You really have to be there to understand it. And recognise its beauty.

After this I decided to take the bus home rather than the subway. Less chance of disaster.

A little kindness goes a long way

I arrived home and was about to go to bed when I had heard a small knock on my door.

It was the other girl who is staying here with Jihyun and I. Her name is Jin. She wanted to ask if I had some free time left whilst I and here, would like to travel with her to stay at the sea at some point this next week? I’m sure you are all now thinking what I thought at that moment when she said those words. After what happened today I began to think is this happening again? It can’t be this is way too soon.

Being cautious I swerved around answering the question and immediately ran to my room.

As I closed the door I called my family to let them know of the insanity that occurred to me today. Both laughter, disbelief and relief echoed in that call.

But I began to think and after a moment,

I decided to bravely step out of my room and talk to Jin and reply that I would love to go but I’m not sure I can timing wise. I begin rehearsals on Monday and the place she wants to visit is a little bit too far.

We ended up chatting for a bit and it turns out we have a lot in common. Real things. One of which is that she always travels with her trusty friends – three teddy bears . Well actually speaking, it’s two teddies and a Wombat!

I laughed out loud when I found out because my nephew Matthew, who is severely Autistic and can barely leave his home, decided to gift me, for travelling to Korea a bear with a recording of his stimming words of comfort, Merry Christmas. Words I’ve grown to love and expect from him all year round. Even when it’s not Christmas Time. A joyful reminder of him.

I immediately brought the teddy out to the living room where we both, two fully grown adult women from opposite sides of the world began setting up an impromptu photo shoot of our teddies on the sofa. If there was anything that could restore my faith in humanity – that was it right there.

Todays lesson is, not all people are bad. So far I’ve made more than a handful of Korean friends here and I’m still so glad to be out here and having this experience even after today’s shenanigans.

No official practice today (well a little on the bus before my attempted kidnapping). Time to sleep!

Foundations day 16 and 17 : Final prep day before Hyunjoon returns

Last days of practice and trying to make sure I did my homework. I’ll admit it’s been difficult working on my own. But I am proud that I persevered.

I just rehearsed for two hours straight. My fingers don’t want to work today.

The back palm routine my mentor left me with is possibly the hardest routine I’ve ever done in my life – ever!

I can do everything extremely slowly but when I put it all together it becomes quite hilarious to watch! And I must laugh at myself otherwise I would cry.

It’s frustrating and I feel the pressure is on today. My mentor Hyunjoon comes back from Saudi Arabia tomorrow and we begin the final 8 sessions to complete my journey with him here in Korea.

In my head, I feel nothing really has improved. But also I’m reminding myself that I wasn’t able to do any of this before I came here.


I just want things to look beautiful right now. But that’s not how this game works I guess. It takes time, muscle memory and practice (and in this case blisters, tantrums and tears). Audiences only see the end result of so much work. That’s the real magic in the work we do. All the hours we put in to achieve this beauty on stage.

On a positive note…

I am noticing that my body strength is slowly improving. I’ve always known that I need to gain a better understanding of my body and its whereabouts in order to improve my presence on stage. And it’s slowly taking shape.

Learning manipulation is helping me to become aware of my muscles and movements across my body in the space I’m in. From my head to my toes, shoulders, legs, torso, hands – the placement of everything maters.

Knowing when something moves and when it stops moving. I need to know and feel what every part of my body is doing at all times. Where it is, why it’s there and what I want it to show the audience.

I think (and hope) that am gaining a better awareness of my body in the space it occupies. Which I feel a lot of us don’t really put enough work into.


For me it’s not enough as a magician to just present a trick. I want everything about it to be beautiful, magical and connect with my audiences. And it is worth this much effort I’m putting in.

I hope in time all this work done now will improve my performance and allow me to command on stage when I am on it. Life goals right there!

I’m both nervous and excited to continue my journey with Hyunjoon tomorrow.

But continue I will.

Foundations day 18

This lesson has officially broken my fingers!

Well not exactly, but at times I felt like it. I’m still laughing about how bad it was.

Reminding myself that this will be fun is always such a good mantra to have in the back of one’s mind when doing extremely difficult things!


First lesson back tonight and it was a late lesson beginning at 20:00 finishing around 22:45.

Hyunjoon arrived back this evening from Saudi Arabia and in order to fit in all my lessons before I go back home next week we had to crack on immediately as soon as he got off the plane.

And you all thought I was the only crazy person like this on the planet!

We revised the fanning routine but as we began the session Hyunjoon noticed that my cards were splitting. He took and look and said that they were no good.

I’d practised so hard with them that most of the wax had come off. So together we re-waxed them before starting again. And I now know what to look for myself to make sure the cards are prepped and ready to rehearse. Whilst going through the routine I recounted my encounter with the religious zealots in Hongdae.


Revising the routine he could see that I had worked a lot and that the routine is improving, but there were still plenty of things to refine. My fingers need to work and move faster. And also be in the right place at the right time. Which believe me, is easier said than done.

I’m learning that the tip of the index fingers is a pretty darn key location for manipulating cards. Hence why I’m getting blisters and I’m quite sensitive there. Also I’m learning I have to be able to move the index and middle fingers independently in opposing directions to be able to open and close fans quickly. Something I must practice harder on so that my back fans become cleaner and smoother.

It’s funny. It’s easy to do the moves when the deck is parallel to the floor, I.e. when you are practicing in the bedroom sitting on your bed. But when you have to do the moves turning your hand from facing downwards to upwards whilst producing a fan – well that’s a whole different thing and it is difficult as hell. My brain may be telling my hands what to do but they just won’t do it yet.

I am also quite pleased Hyunjoon was a little impressed with my work on the pivot. A move I believed would be impossible for me to do at the start of last week.

Tonight, it was starting to look really good and feel good too (on both hands). We’ve also tweaked the back palm routine and I’ve been given a new move called the Perfect Production which looks and feels amazing when it is done well but right now it’s a nightmare to execute!


Reflecting on this evening, my first lesson back and I suppose my journey so far…

We really only feel like giving up at the times in our lives when we need to push through!

Is it hard – yes.

Will I keep going – absolutely!

I may not yet have all the tools, the skills, the knowledge.

But what I do now have is the belief, the determination and the drive to.

For now, that is enough. The rest will follow.

Foundations day 19

The Devil is in the details.


In today’s lesson we went back over

•The Fan production routine


•The Back Palm routine

Before class I practiced for three hours and there was improvement in class today but there is still a long way to go.

The fans must be ever bigger (if that is possible – which aparantly it is).


Today focused mostly on the minute details.

Learning proper placement of my thumb and fingers and where to push from allowed me to produce an even bigger fan than the day before. Back fans are still a pain but we shall keep on keeping on.

The subtleties of this craft are so vast. And knowing them make all the difference from making an ugly movement to a beautiful one.

As I walked home from class today I felt a bit like the contestants do on Strictly Come Dancing learning to dance in such a short period of time. It isn’t as easy as it looks on tele!

We have just six lessons left now and the pressure for Hyunjoon to teach me as much as he can whilst I’m here in South Korea is apparent.

I too feel the pressure to get as much right as I can each lesson so we can keep on moving forward. But sometimes my hands just don’t want to work. I am trying so hard. And I’ll keep on trying and turning up because I want to be good. I want to learn and grow. It’s just slow. I know I’m not a fast learner. But once I get something I’ve got it.

Another new prop and routine

Today I was bombarded with so much including my first lesson in billiard balls.

And the first lesson being: to forget everything I’ve learnt so far in billiard balls!

I’ve been doing it wrong. Well at least the rolling the ball across my fingertips. To be frank what I was doing well, it’s ugly! And there are techniques to making things look more elegant. The positions, the height and how to hold the balls. All these precise details matter so much in the overall picture on stage.

But also these details are what makes these manipulators make their work appear effortless.

Anything is possible by learning the correct placement of the hand, the fingers and the body in space. Learning how to lock the wrist and isolate just the fingertips. I never knew that when you manipulate a billiard ball across your fingertips that the thumb should be completely still. It should not move. Only the fingertips should move.

I don’t remember this being said, not once. In any of magic tutorials I have watched so far in ball manipulation, none mention this. Yet this seems to be essential knowledge.

When the fingers can move the ball freely without the thumb moving or getting in the way the whole action becomes quite beautiful to watch. And it is clean! This is the stuff that I cannot learn from a magic dvd at home. These are the tips that I can only learn in person.


I began thinking this evening, how many subtleties do we miss by learning magic second hand from videos. Don’t get me wrong the magic world has an amazing literature and array of learning techniques for magicians of all levels. But that’s just it. Most magic is created for the masses to be universally adapted by all. And the tiny details get lost.

We think we are learning the correct way to execute a move but we’re missing so many details. And some of that is fundamental information for learning the skill.

If this is the case, to reach a higher level perhaps the only way to do so is to be mentored in person to hone a particular skill to the desired level. Or perhaps not. We are all different. And it’s my first time ever doing one on one lessons like this.

The thing is I don’t have an answer.

Study with a champion to learn to be one

Today I realised that there is a difference between being a professional magician and a being magic champion.

Up until now I considered myself a professional magician and still do. But for some reason I thought that to become a champion I was convinced it wasn’t that big a step. That could be honed alone. I was wrong.

Now I realise, this step is huge. And that’s why not many take it. There are so many details that go into creating magic at this level. And I know all this knowledge cannot be obtained on my own. That is why I came here. To study from a champion to learn to be one. To find out what makes a champion. How they work, think and see the world of magic.

I’m incredibly lucky to have this time with Hyunjoon. And grateful to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland without whom I would not be here. Learning from the best to become the best.

Champions on stage can see the beauty in what they do. They have literally thought about everything. Every movement, every glance, every footstep…

I am feeling slightly overwhelmed. But it’s time to practice again before I sleep. Tomorrow fast approaches and we only have six lessons left.

Foundations day 20

An early morning win.

Lessons are great motivators to improve and practice hard.

I just spent a full hour practicing the colour changing fan. Finally it looks good and I can repeat it. Over and over again!


The lesson began with Hyunjoon marking my routine out of 100. Today it was a 45 out of 100 points. Still a long way to go.

Today we began like we always do going through each routine step by step. First I perform it solo. Then Hyunjoon points out small details, and then we get to work.

The fan routine’s goal is now to make it to the end of the music and keep up with it and get to the end.

Right now it feels so unbelievably fast because my brain is still trying to catch up with the motions and tell my hands and fingers what they should be doing at each step. I loose my footing and grip on the cards towards the end of the music.

But my fans are improving. And today I did an acceptable colour changing fan during class – win!

The Back palming routine – it is still difficult. But it’s also strange. I’m finding that some things that should be difficult I find easy. And some easy things I find extremely difficult. I suppose we are all different and struggle with different things when learning at different times in our journeys.


I like that Hyunjoon tries to really observe when he sees me struggling to examine what it is about a move I am struggling with. He takes the time to explain things in an easier way. This is what your hand should be doing. He’s like the great detective, Sherlock Holmes observing with great attention to detail every movement I make. And this helps him I think to figure out why what I’m doing doesn’t look like it’s supposed too. And then it helps him to implement actions to help me see what it is he wishes me to do.

Sometimes (most times) it’s because I’m moving fingers when I shouldn’t be. Again it’s back to the control. Learning to move each individual part of my body and isolate it from all the other parts is key.

Which was very evident when we moved onto…

Something a lot more challenging

The ball manipulation routine. Today was about learning to release a ball moving just one finger not the entire hand or other fingers. Using gravity to catch a ball in a shell is a no no.

I must be able to place it in properly and take it out again – no cheating. And finally, going over the point that I should not move my thumb when rolling the ball across my hand. It is quite hilarious when you have a world champion yelling at your fingers telling them I told you not to move!

I also learnt today how to turn one ball into three. The huge lesson here was not to turn my fingers in or downward but roll the ball up and round – much prettier. I’m realising it is all about making things look pretty. Even though right now though my hands feel like crows talons gripping onto the balls for dear life!

I really don’t think that I’ll ever be able to hold four balls confidently in my hand like the picture below. For reference, Hyunjoon placed them there so that I had a visual image of what I was aiming for.

But it’s a process and to improve the only way is to keep on showing up and keep on practicing.

On that note, I practiced for three hours tonight. Trying to give equal time to my routines and the individual moves I’m struggling with.

Some practice advice

Here’s something that helps me that might help others here too. When practicing, I set a timer on my phone and I must practice one move say for the entire time and then I reset and practice the next. It really helps me focus on the task at hand and prevents my thoughts from drifting from that goal. I also in between go through the entire routine so that I still have it in mind that each of these parts are part of the whole.

Also turn your phone onto aeroplane mode for the duration of the exercise too. No disturbances is key.

Foundations day 21

Tough love

I feel like even the simplest things I don’t know how to do. And my body just doesn’t respond like a normal persons. I thought a lot today that Hyunjoon probably wonders how on earth I am a magician at all. The basics I struggle with.


Todays lesson was really about me learning to hold four balls in my hand and also move them around freely – which in this lesson I could not.

And he basically told me that if I cannot get what he was trying to teach me today we simply cannot move on.

That was how this lesson ended.

My homework was to practice this one thing until I get it. Because if I can’t move the balls independently into and out of correct positions between my fingertips without touching my nails or bending my hand we will not be able to progress.

I have to remind myself over and over that this is a journey. And today’s step was just that little bit bigger than yesterday’s. But it doesn’t make it any easier in the process.

Remember let’s keep positive. Keep showing up (until he kicks me out at least) and keep on practicing till I can do it!

I really hope it’s tomorrow!

Foundations day 21 / 22 : An all nighter

In between days and I’ve given up looking at the clock!

After several hours and hand breaking work I managed to get these into the correct position not by placing them one by one as you might think by looking at the image. But by rolling them into these positions with my fingers. Hopefully in the correct way as at this time of night I can’t think straight – I almost gave up trying. The balls are now sitting in the correct positions in between each of my fingers on the flesh where they should be.

This task might be something simple for others but this for me was so much hard work.

This afternoon I was convinced I’d never be able to do this – and it’s actually moving in the right direction. Whether I can repeat it is another thing. But that’s for tomorrow a.k.a today.

I’m not doing a fourth ball tonight – stuff that!

Foundations day 22

The moral of the story is one should ALWAYS show up to class.

Firstly, I can’t believe we’re on Lesson 9 already. Secondly today I was Exhausted with a capital E. After staying up to 4am to attempt to get my homework done I was done.

I stayed in bed to eleven before getting up to practice. And by practice I mean just going through each routine once because after last night I couldn’t really do much with my fingers. I was sore and tired. Instead I gave myself a break and hoped that the hard work I put in last night in the early hours would be enough for the lesson to come. And if it wasn’t yes it’s rubbish. But that’s life. And I’m only human.

Sometimes things take time to learn and for us to process. And I think so far I’ve taken on a lot of new concepts in just nine sessions and coped remarkably well.

Anyway after last nights shenanigans and feeling the tiredest I’ve probably ever been in my head I kept thinking maybe I should postpone the class because if I just turned up I knew (and felt it in my gut) that I was bound to fail.

Thankfully I am learning to ignore my brain when it is being idiotic and showed up to class regardless of how I felt.



The first thing Hyunjoon asked me was, Well how did the homework go, can you do it?

In that moment my stomach was in knots. I sighed and admitted that I have no idea. But I did work on it all night. He then asked me to show it to him. The moment of truth…

Lo and behold, my extra effort had paid off. It worked. I could do what he asked me to. And to add to that beautiful moment of praise. Hyunjoon stood up and gave me a mini standing ovation (doesn’t count that he was already standing at the time).

He clapped and laughed and said WELL DONE!

Honestly that reaction and praise for me was worth all the heartache I had. And I must remember that feeling of joy because like all journeys I will feel highs but there will again be many lows. And I realise that like the highs, the lows will pass too. Struggles cease being difficult and the work continues until the point something new becomes difficult. And the journey repeats itself.

And because I was able to progress we were able to move onto some – I kid you not – really cool magic moves. Hyunjoon showed me and I was like WOAH and he was like Yes, you will soon do this it too.

And I did.

He broke down all the moves for me and then we put them back together slowly. I haven’t got it yet but my head needs time to process the information. So I’ll rehearse again tonight and tomorrow before class and hope that it’s gone in.


I think what I am learning is that this is both a learning experience for me as the student but also for Hyunjoon. I am guessing that everyone is different and teaching people requires skills to adapt and change to help that particular individual learn and process the information he is giving. As everyone takes in information differently. That’s not easy. So although I feel the task at hand is difficult, I suppose he does too. Or rather this person is difficult. Or rather different. It’s like a puzzle. All the pieces fit in a certain way. And it takes time to move them into the correct position.

It’s a partnership I guess. What is really nice in this project is just not being alone. As a magician, I work alone so much. And to have time in my artistic careers to work with others is not only fun but a privilege.

Just three more sessions to go.

Foundations day 23

Picking up the pace


Reflecting upon today’s class I became aware of a stumbling block in terms of my own progress making during class time . That is, when I’m learning something completely new. If the move is linear, just one action I.e. moving a ball from the right hand to the left one. That’s one motion. One layer. It’s straightforward for my brain and hands.

However if I have to perform two different motions and layers together at the exact same time my brain has a melt down.

And sometimes I feel my head is so slow in telling my body parts what they should be doing.


Some of you might be thinking. What does she mean by performing two motions or movements at once?

An example: moving a ball from one grip to another in the same hand. Where it is firstly seen. And then it vanishes (1st Motion).

This motion however must be done whist another is happening. Moving the hands back and forth in front on the chest so that the ball travels first in the outside of the other hand and then behind the other one in the inside (2nd motion).

I seem to struggle with overlapping motions.

My brain understands the task. However, my body refuses to follow orders because it has simply never done anything like this before in its life.

I am pleased though. I did manage today to achieve, one new overlapping motion move I was taught in class, in my actual class time today – win!

That got me thinking that maybe now that I’ve been challenging my brain for 10 full lesson days maybe my brain has made connections where there weren’t any before.

Brains are smart – WHO KNEW

Our brains are quite clever when they want to be. Once a connection has already been made, the message for the action sent to my hands will happen automatically. This means, if lots of connections are made more of these knuckle busting moves will become easier. And it will also be easier and faster to learn and execute the moves each day I’m working with Hyunjoon.

What I’ve learnt really is that in order for this stuff to become easier I must keep practicing. Not just for fifteen minutes. I think for the best outcome, one must practice between two hours and every waking second of the day. basically as much as I can and want to.

I’ve now set fifteen minute timers and I’ve made a list of all the moves I’m learning. I randomly pick one and go over that one move solid for the full time. If anything this will train my muscle memory to the strange hand cramping madness I’m inflicting on my fingers.

I am so enjoying having lessons every day. I am really tired right now. But I’m going to push for the next two days as these are my last two days in Korea with Hyunjoon and I want to make the most of being here in person with him. I gotta practice so tomorrow in class I can get through these moves and routines a bit more smoothly than today.

Foundations day 24

The penultimate class.

I can’t believe this experience is almost over.

I’ve been in Korea for 24 days all by myself and survived.

Not only have I met some amazing people. I made a dream come true. I put into action my plan which was the train in manipulation with Hyunjoon Kim.


Now that I’ve broken through some barriers with moving the manipulation balls in various ways, my fingers are adopting more and more to this work and we are moving at a much faster pace.

It really helps having lessons every single day. If I had the money I would continue doing lessons with Hyunjoon every day for a year because the improvement I have noticed physically and mentally in two weeks is quite remarkable.

In this lesson, Hyunjoon intentionally bombarded me with vanishes, appearances and something completely new – colour changes. Which look so cool! But again are quite difficult to wrap my head around for the first time. However, I know what I have to do and that is practice harder. That is the only way to do it. And I know Hyunjoon knows we only have one lesson left so he’s pushing me. We got to make the most of this time together.

I’m also quite proud of myself. Today I finally was able to hold four balls in my hand without struggling.

Are my hands getting bigger you ask?

I literally have no idea

But for some reason today I could do it and it wasn’t as difficult as before.

This task, if you remember, was the one that almost stopped me in my tracks just three days ago. So for everyone out there, if you too are struggling with something that seems difficult, just keep showing up and keep on going – it too will pass.

I’m doing things now that I never thought I’d be able to do with my tiny hands. And I do have really small hands.

Hyunjoon has said several times – that doesn’t matter. And he’s right. Our hands adapt, grow and become stronger quite quickly.

We also began today working with manipulating two balls at once in one hand and, like yesterday, I managed to almost do it in class time!

Never underestimate hard work

The fan routine is steadily improving with only two notes from Hyunjoon.

Make ALL the fans the biggest they can be. And the diminishing fan the smallest it can be.

My back palm routine is also improving. I can now almost pivot three cards invisibly. But I need to work on this to make it smoother.

Isolation is really key in manipulation work. My whole body hurts. I’m using muscles I never even thought existed. And if you ever watch a manipulator on stage never underestimate the work they do to make their act look THAT GOOD on stage. It is a craft that involves countless, tireless hours. But I still think after working here that manipulation is simply a beautiful skill and talent and something I would like to cultivate and use in my future work as an artist.

And so the end is near…

Right now I am feeling the same way one feels when you have reached the end of an advent calendar or a really good t.v. series that you don’t want to be over.

Coming to Korea was the biggest project I’ve managed to pull off in my life ever! If you know me, you’ll know I’ve had some pretty mad escapades over the years. Most of you even follow along here and encourage me to keep on going!

Now at the end of this journey I have had I am so grateful to so many people.

– I’m grateful to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland for helping fund this project to get me here. To Gavin O’Connor and Marianne Crossle THANK YOU!

– I’m grateful to you all for following this journey and believing in me.

Finally, I’m so grateful to my teacher and first Korean friend, Hyunjoon. For your generosity, kindness, humanity, and amazing talent that you have chosen to share with me.

I have grown from my first lesson until now.

And I now know what I must do – Practice harder! Or as my nephew would say – Git Gud!

And that’s exactly what I am going to do from now on.

Foundations day 25 : We made it

A final treat and the Last lesson… for now

LESSON 12 and a masterclass of sorts

Being a full time professional magician, Hyunjoon has navigated teaching me alongside his own work. I am fully aware that this is my dream, and for him to take the time to give me his time well I can never truly repay that.

On our final day together, I got to attend a corporate event he was booked to perform his full show for.

Not only did I get to see his world famous manipulation acts in person, but I got to see him interacting with real people, the public and it was so nice to (even though the show was in Korean) to see his performing persona and his style in real life.

Suave and elegant to the end however, Hyunjoon was also able to break free from this outer exterior and become (dare I say it) clownish at times. This switch was so unexpected and out of character that I simply laughed out loud. He managed to balance the fun and the serious beautifully. And it was a joy to watch and experience on my last day with him.

It showed to me that hard work and the pursuit of perfection really does pay off.

We ended the day by sharing some Korean fried chicken for dinner and having our last lesson together in his studio space.

After going over everything we had explored across the twelve sessions we discussed how or if this journey would or could continue?

Evaluating the Foundations as a student

I admitted that I would really like to continue my studies with him. However, online teaching was not my thing. And although he lives so far away I would make it my goal to return to Korea and finish what we started. As two of the routines we really did not complete. The fan routine we got from start to finish. But the ball manipulation routine we were unable to perform to music. And the back palm routine (he admitted) was difficult and there as a challenge for future material to come.

Executing this project was not without its challenges. But in the end I truly enjoyed working one on one with Hyunjoon. It’s fun to learn a skill in person. A skill that I know will benefit other things. Something that challenges not only the mind but the body as well. And in this process, I made a new friend.

I’ve never had a mentor before and upon reflection I’m really glad I took this opportunity to try learning in this way. It’s different. Hard. Intense to say the least. But also very rewarding. And there is now a connection between us through this experience that hopefully will continue in some form in the future to come.

Evaluating Foundations as a mentor

When I asked Hyunjoon to evaluate how he believed the process went for him he said this.

Teaching Nikola was fun. It’s a lot of effort and time. I could feel her passion but in the beginning it was a mess and difficult but she kept on getting better and better as the lessons went on. I feel the lessons were very successful and if she continues growing and learning she will achieve her goals of winning national championships and more.


As with all good things they must come to an end. But for me I see this step as the beginning of something more. In having this opportunity to study a new form of magic intensely as I have done (given this time by the Arts Council), it has also given me the confidence to know I can do difficult things and thrive. I can make things happen, and curate an education for myself in this field to become a more skilled performer in my field. And I have left Korea with a Foundation in Manipulation.

The Future

I do wish to continue my studies in this field. And to do this I intend to raise the funds myself and return to study with Hyunjoon in a follow up project titled “Foundations to Flourish” this Autumn 2025. This will allow me to finish the routines we started, learn more skills and begin experimenting on building a brand new unique act of my own.

I know now that this next project will happen because of the foundations that were laid down during this project, Foundations with Hyunjoon Kim and my first hand knowledge that I can execute a project of this scale.

None of this would have been possible without the help and funding support I received from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Exchequer fund for my grant award

Support the Individual Arts Project: Foundations with Hyunjoon Kim.

And for that I am grateful.

Be a part of my next journey

If after reading this blog you would like to help contribute to my follow up project Foundations to Flourish you can do so by clicking the link below to my Go Fund Me page.

Every little helps. No matter how small. Buy me a coffee and I’ll return the favour when we next see one another in person!

Add your thoughts, comments and objections!