A Close-up Cornucopia

The last few weeks to I have had the opportunity to perform more close-up magic than usual as I am most of the time out performing as my other alter ego FizzWizzPop!

As I used to be petrified of performing for adults, I find it really encouraging that I now have the confidence to not only accept these events when they come along but also go out and really enjoy myself at them.

I have made some discoveries along the way mostly in my attitude to these events and I wanted to share them with you all incase any of these things are useful to you on your journey as magicians also.

So this is a cornucopia of things I’ve discovered working in live close up environments.

Energy is key!

If you are having a good time then the people around you will too. Energy is infectious and I find if I approach tables with a smile and high energy it’s difficult for it not to catch on to those watching.

Having said that some times people do not want to see magic at all. They have far more important things to discuss like asking their friends “do my glasses make my lips look big in this photo…?”

And to put it simply, they would much rather not be disturbed – and thats fine! You can usually sense it by the time your first sentence has left your lips.

If you have already mentioned the word ‘magic’ you will have to show them something. Or not. But If you do, choose something quick and visual. Something that will impress them but not take up too much of their time or yours. You may even change their minds and they might ask you to stay and continue – or not. It’s ok either way.

It is not your job to convince the world to love what you do all at once. World domination wan’t build in a day! More importantly, you don’t want to stay long enough to absorb the negative energy from a group and take it with you the rest of the night.

So get in and out fast. Think of it like a magic hit-and-run!

Don’t waste your time and energy on negativity. It will do nothing for the people who actually want to see your magic the rest of the event. And, if some people don’t want to see it – that’s ok.

Things to look for

Be on the look out for groups having fun together. When people are smiling, laughing and having fun with each other it’s much easier to enter that situation and piggy back off the energy already there.

If people wave you over to them to chat that is like an open invitation to side-step into magic through conversation. Sometimes we forget that most of our job is interaction and we don’t have to perform magic all the time. Literally talking to people makes our jobs easier and a lot more fun!

I really enjoy chatting with people in-between and after I’ve performed. Asking them if they are having a good time, what they have done so far. General chit-chat.

I think it’s important. And, it helps me to be relaxed as much as possible in-between groups.

Perform for everyone! That includes staff

I cannot stress this enough. You are not just there for the guests at the event. You are there to showcase yourself to everyone. The best way to get work is through word of mouth. People talking about what you do is the best way to be booked.

Usually people organising events, organise lots of them. They have contacts and if you are kind, respectful, show them what you do and they like you, they are more than likely to recommend your services onto another client.

Also staff, venders, musicians who have been standing and working hard at events never get to enjoy them really. Being able to show them some of your magic means that they will feel appreciated and included in the festivities even though they are working there too.

You never know where your next gig will come from. Show yourself!

Be prepared for all Weather

Being from Northern Ireland it rains – a lot!

I always carry and umbrella in my car just incase. You never know with these more modern events if they are inside, outside or those inside-outside venues.

Having an umbrella on standby helps.

The moment you begin to perform a card trick and it rains you realise that playing cards are like the wicked witch of the east – they literally melt! And I reckon in extreme heat (the humid weather we have all been experiencing) they would pretty much do the same.

I was thinking about it as I was driving home after an event where my cards went to mulch in my hands. The solution is simple. I need to be prepared and buy some plastic cards to have at events.

I haven’t tried them out yet but, I believe it would work. Now stay with me. I can already feel your diapproval!

I know using plastic cards for us magicians is like proper blasphemy but I realised that if I had some at that event, I wouldn’t worry about them falling apart in my hands. People can sign plastic cards and you can still do magic with them – even under your umbrella!

I think that is enough for now to go on. If I think of some more, I’ll be back with another blog until then.


Don’t get me wrong I am still nervous when it comes to doing the actual gig, but I know that once I’m out there in it all those pre-close up feelings will melt away. And they do!

Keep on doing stuff even if your afraid. It’s the best way to get to where you want to be in this world and achieve your goals!

I’ll leave you with a quote that greats me on a sign in my car every day when I’m driving to my events.


  1. I agree 100% on all this!! Particularly the thoughts on bringing the right energy to your performance; after all – humans are social group seekers and will mimic your energy!

  2. I have also found that performing the sponge bunnies seems to cause an awful lot of wind outside, even on a non windy day… chasing after baby bunnies is not a good look. lol.

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