It’s the busiest time of year!

I, like many of you are right now in the thralls of event bedlam. December is the most wonderful time of year but also the busiest for us performers. And begin so, I am finding it difficult to keep up with this blog.
I thought I would do a short one today, just to remind everyone (including myself) things to keep in mind to help survive Christmas as performers. With so many events this month we need to prioritise wellbeing to get through.
I mean let’s face it. In the build up to December, events pile in, our diaries fill up and we inevitably keep saying yes until suddenly every single date is full. You don’t look at it again. But when the 1st of December arrives you wonder what you were thinking. And more importantly, if you’ll be able to cope.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the essentials to survival and I thought it would make a good blog post.
So I suppose the first important thing to mention to help us survive gig insanity is…
A day off
You might not think you need it before December when taking bookings, but your body will thank you if you can keep at least one day off every week. This day you can use to rest, relax and do a deep clean of your props.

A day off for me is essential during a busier time period because if i was to work every single day (as I have done in the past) I end up going mad, get really sick, and being really tired driving to events. I want to be alert, awake and ready for each work day and show so one day off each week for rest is important.
Be ready
Organisation is key. I find resetting my show after each performance day is a great way to get ahead.

It means if I am slightly tired the next morning it’s one less thing I have to do when I wake up. After my shows are done for the day I bring all my kit into the house, charge my speaker and microphone, iron my silks and reset everything required before putting it back into my car ready to go.
I also try to fill up my car with petrol on my way home from my last event of the day. This means I don’t have to go out again in the evening when I’m tired and doing this task becomes part of the days works.
Finally any sundries or materials I give away I purchase whilst I’m at the garage getting petrol. This means I never run out of these materials in December. As there is nothing worse realising you have to go to the garage in the morning before going to your gig. Or at least for me because I am not a morning person at all.
In order to keep your energy up throughout the day you should prep food for the car. Make a sandwich and bring some healthy snacks in the car with you. This saves time stopping at a garage in between shows and also means you eat healthier rather than just grabbing something fast on the way to your next event.
Water is essential and you really should have a two litre bottle with you. Drink water, before and after each show. Not only will this keep you hydrated but it will help lubricate your throat, which if your are talking a lot in your shows this will be necessary to prevent sore throats.
Speaking of sore throats I always carry throat lozenges in my car. They are handy for in between shows to again keep the throat lubricated but also if you are feeling a bit under the weather they will help you to breathe. I like to buy the menthol ones.
Plan each day ahead of time, know your diary inside out and if there is time, rest. I always bring a fluffy blanket in the car with me in December just incase there is time for me to have a quick doze. Or just to feel a bit cozy whilst waiting to go into my next event.

In terms of driving tired, I always make sure I have drinks, snacks and hard-boiled sweets in my car for a quick boost and if I’m really tired, I pull over. It’s better to get to events safely. I know we’re all over doing it but just take care, leave plenty of time for each event and be aware that resting is an essential part of being awesome this season – so do it when you can.
And there you have it, some bits of advice I have found myself saying repeatedly this December that perhaps you might recognise needing to say toyourself.
Bottom line is, holiday work is exhausting so do take care of yourselves during this most busiest time of year.