Multiple Websites Why?

Having spent years developing my character FizzWizzPop – which I love dearly. I knew that if I ever wanted to create and become a solid contender in the world of close-up and stage-magic as my new persona, Nikola Arkane, I would have to create boundaries between these two entities. 

They must look, sound and feel completely different in order for both the be believable. And, more importantly, for the different audiences to be satisfied equally. 

The side of me whom plays in the realms of imagination, ridiculousness and enchantment for children and families and the other side of me who wishes to entertain, hustle, demonstrate fearless sleight of hand all in the aim to make adults question reality.

Long term Goals

Both these characters are separate entities and should be treated by customers as that.

When customers visit my website to book FizzWizzPop I want them to know that I am the best entertainer there is for their children.

So all I want customers to see when they go to is me doing just that.

The same goes for Nikola Arkane website

Visitors to this site will only see my close-up and stage work. The reason for this is I do not what to be booked for an adult event as Nikola Arkane and be expected to switch into FizzWizzPop to entertain children half-way through.

I am not saying this will not happen, hey we’re magicians and we want to bring a little bit of magic to everyone. But if your character and who you work for is confused in the beginning (just to save a few quid having one website instead of two) you will most likely turn up to a table of adults and they will immediately dismiss and implore you to go entertain “the children.”

This is the reason when I began developing as a close up performer I decided to have two separate websites in order to showcase the best I can be as FizzWizzPop and Nikola Arkane.


Actually, I lied, did I mention I have three?

The third one is simple to explain. This is a page where I sell my books and limited edition of extra stock I make up when creating the effectsI perform with. 

I realised quite soon after separating my FizzWizzPop and Nikola Arkane sites that I needed another website for my products. A customer searching for a performer and a magician who as looking to discover my material and what I’ve learnt so far in my magic career have very different needs.

Again I didn’t want to confuse people. Also more importantly, I didn’t want customers seeing and buying my material after to find out my dirty little secrets. However, I do wish to further the art of magic and help others with the stuff I have created and processes I have learnt from.

So a third site, was set up to sell my books and products to keep my secrets safe. Also this site allow me to share my journey with others in this industry in the form of this blog – which I hope you are all enjoying following.

Sometimes one of something good is not enough – and apparently that’s not just limited to flavours of ice cream!

Photo Credit - Jemma Tynan


  1. Do you do any google ad stuff so that people looking for “Nikola Arkane” don’t also get your book store website on the result list when searching?

    1. No I don’t really, as when people see my live as Nikola Arkane (like real people) I give them my business card with the appropriate website on. Though in saying that it has worked I haven’t had normal customers for work coming to the wrong site so far. Perhaps also when you Google my name Nikola Arkane my named website comes up first and my shop third as it’s not exactly matching in names. So I suppose how you name and affiliate your sights is something to think about. Most people when they Google something they hit the first link. And thankfully that is my Nikola Arkane website and not my shop site if that makes sense, somehow.

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